Personal Care Training For Support Workers

Skill Building – Support Workers Training

Personal Care Training For Support Workers

Length of Course:  7 hours

Prerequisites: None

Cost:  $167 per person (group and offsite bookings, please enquire here)

Course Introduction

This comprehensive training course covers all aspects of personal care support work. From grooming techniques to mandatory health and safety procedures for manual handling, you will learn how to provide the highest quality care and maintain clients’ dignity during their vulnerable moments while ensuring the safety of both you and the client.

Personal Care Training – Key Competences Covered

  • Introduction to personal care
  • How to perform a bed bath
  • Client showering procedures and toileting
  • Pad changing
  • Manual handling
  • Policy, procedures, risks, reporting and care plans
  • Skin integrity and hand hygiene
  • Housekeeping
  • Written exam component
  • Practical- Complete client bed bath scenario