Restrictive Practices & Behaviour Support

Skill Building – Support Workers Training

Restrictive Practices & Behaviour Support

Length of Course:  4 hours

Prerequisites: None

Cost:  $107 per person (group and offsite bookings, please enquire here)

Course Introduction

This new and vital course covers an in-depth look at practices surrounding challenging situations in the care industry. It teaches you how to keep yourself and your client safe and supported while maintaining dignity and complying with government regulations.

Restrictive Practices & Behaviour Support – Key Components Covered

  • Types of Restrictive Practices
  • Possible Impacts
  • Prohibited Practice
  • When and How to Safely Apply a Restrictive Practice
  • Behaviours of Concern
  • Behaviour Triggers
  • Meltdowns Vs Tantrums
  • Strategies to Support a Behaviour Concern Person
  • Positive Behaviour Interventions
  • Behaviour Support Plans
  • ABC Chart

Restrictive Practice & Behaviour Support Course Certification

A certificate of achievement is issued on completion of the course.